Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Blog Post #6


For this blog post I explored both and, before today I had never heard of these sites. As I was reading through and hearing anti-war voices in my head as I was doing so I started thinking about why we don't hear about this in the mainstream media. I think the United States as a whole is a very patriotic country and we take pride in our military forces, and highly respect veterans. Growing up we were always taught that the military fought for our freedom and that they were selfless people doing the right thing for their country. Which is why antiwar voices are silences, or at the least not published in the mainstream media. However I think that both things can be true, we can both value and support our military while also thinking objectively about whether we should be involved in a war or not. 

Patriotism, Schools, and the Public | Hopkins Press

While scrolling through these sites and reading articles this one stuck out to me in particular. Why are we not hearing about a mass grave containing the remains of over 300 people. Instead the media is showing protests on college campuses about the war. Just today I have seen at least 5 videos on social media about the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi at UNC Chapel Hill protecting the American flag from being destroyed. So it's not that we aren't talking about the war, we are just not about the right things. People are dying and the media is covering the actions of fraternities on college campuses. Not only that but people are raising money to "throw them a rager" for their "bravery and patriotism." They have raised over $100,000, do you know how many starving people that could feed overseas? 

Detail from New York Times image of the unearthing of a mass grave in Gaza

After reading the articles and information on these sites I am now much more aware of how ignorant the people of the United States are. I am also aware of how little we truly know about foreign affairs, unless we go find out information for ourselves. 

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