Friday, April 26, 2024

Blog Post #9


Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, and a video or post pops up about something you were just talking to your friends about? Whether that be speaking to each other aloud, or through text. It has happened to me more times than I can count. Before I watched these videos I had a general understanding of why this happened, I knew that these apps were collecting my information however I didn't realize how serious it actually is. After watching these videos it became apparent to me that I care way too little about my privacy, especially when it comes to technology and social media. I also feel that my friends and family care too little about their privacy. 

Mobile Apps Steal Your Privacy -Kaspersky Daily | Kaspersky official blog

When it comes to posting on social media I feel that my friends and family may share too much of their lives. Our generation has become a little bit too comfortable with the internet and social media. We tend not to think before putting things out there for the whole world to see. I think that we often believe the only people paying attention are our friends and followers, however that is far from the truth. We are always being watched, and every internet search that we make is being monitored. We also blindly agree to terms and conditions of apps and websites constantly without a second thought. Clicking "accept all cookies" is a daily occurrence for us. We don't even bat an eye at putting our phone numbers and emails onto online stores for a discount. We don't perceive these actions as threats to our security, however we should. 

Identity Theft: What You Need to Know – HAWC

I personally had my social security number stolen, and someone filed taxes in my name. I then had to jump through hoops with the IRS for months to get the issue resolved. There is no doubt in my mind that my information was retrieved off of the internet somehow. 

The government should be protecting our privacy however they are also the ones violating it. The government keeps close tabs on those that make odd searches on the internet. They monitor web searches to see who poses a threat to society or to the government itself. 

To protect ourselves from the danger that the internet poses we should be cautious of the information we share on the internet, and what we agree to when using certain applications. Beware of using public wifi, be cautious of phishing, create strong passwords and don't use the same one for every account. These are just a few ways to protect yourself. Most importantly stay educated and aware. 

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