Friday, April 26, 2024

Blog Post #9


Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, and a video or post pops up about something you were just talking to your friends about? Whether that be speaking to each other aloud, or through text. It has happened to me more times than I can count. Before I watched these videos I had a general understanding of why this happened, I knew that these apps were collecting my information however I didn't realize how serious it actually is. After watching these videos it became apparent to me that I care way too little about my privacy, especially when it comes to technology and social media. I also feel that my friends and family care too little about their privacy. 

Mobile Apps Steal Your Privacy -Kaspersky Daily | Kaspersky official blog

When it comes to posting on social media I feel that my friends and family may share too much of their lives. Our generation has become a little bit too comfortable with the internet and social media. We tend not to think before putting things out there for the whole world to see. I think that we often believe the only people paying attention are our friends and followers, however that is far from the truth. We are always being watched, and every internet search that we make is being monitored. We also blindly agree to terms and conditions of apps and websites constantly without a second thought. Clicking "accept all cookies" is a daily occurrence for us. We don't even bat an eye at putting our phone numbers and emails onto online stores for a discount. We don't perceive these actions as threats to our security, however we should. 

Identity Theft: What You Need to Know – HAWC

I personally had my social security number stolen, and someone filed taxes in my name. I then had to jump through hoops with the IRS for months to get the issue resolved. There is no doubt in my mind that my information was retrieved off of the internet somehow. 

The government should be protecting our privacy however they are also the ones violating it. The government keeps close tabs on those that make odd searches on the internet. They monitor web searches to see who poses a threat to society or to the government itself. 

To protect ourselves from the danger that the internet poses we should be cautious of the information we share on the internet, and what we agree to when using certain applications. Beware of using public wifi, be cautious of phishing, create strong passwords and don't use the same one for every account. These are just a few ways to protect yourself. Most importantly stay educated and aware. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Blog Post #10

 EOTO Learned Terms & Concepts: Propaganda 

Propaganda is misleading or biased information, often used in political campaigns, advertising, legal arguments, etc... Some propaganda stays prevalent for generations after it was released to the public, take Rosie the Riveter for example.

 Rosie the Riveter | Definition, Poster, & Facts | Britannica

Rosie the Riveter was used to encourage women to join the work force and fill the positions of the men that were off fighting in World War II. She is seen as an iconic symbol of women's independence and capability. Many women would go on to fill positions in ship yards and factories while the men were at war. 

Propaganda is still prevalent in society today, recent examples including:

 Trump is a Joke - Anti-Trump Propaganda Poster       Katie Studnicha - Get Your Laws Off My BodyArtist finds inspiration in war propaganda for COVID-19 'Stay In' posters -  ABC News

Propaganda has many effects on society. With propaganda biased information spreads extremely quickly, causing individuals to develop opinions based information that may not be accurate. It also creates disagreement between both sides of the argument. Propaganda also deliberately targets emotions and plays off of them. It is used to persuade people in drastic ways and can often mislead them to believe things that may not be true. Propaganda is used to push agendas, good and bad. 

I found propaganda to be particularly interesting because it is prevalent not only in our society, but all over the world. Along with being prevalent all over the world it has also been used consistently over the course of history. Propaganda is now published through many channels including news websites and social media, which are where most people get their information in today's day and age. Instead of being printed and distributed propaganda now circulates even faster than it once did. With the outbreak of COVID-19 we saw many examples of propaganda all over social media. Expressing the opinions of those who thought it was dangerous and those that thought the world was over reacting. This caused a huge divide within our society and set many individuals apart. 

Blog Post #8

 EOTO Terms & Concepts: Echo Chamber 

An echo chamber is an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered. 

Echo Chamber - ECPS

Echo chambers are often compared to a bubble. People surrounded by opinions and view points that mimic their own. This leads to lack of information and often misinformation because the whole picture isn't put on display. A lot of the time people are unconsciously part of an echo chamber, especially in the age of social media. Social media users tend to follow and engage with content from creators that have views and ideas similar to their own. This contributes to the spread of misinformation because they blindly  follow these influencers who sometimes have no information to back up their opinions. It is easy to believe something that an individual says if you have the same views as them, you are less likely to question the validity of their opinion. 

The Consequences of filter bubbles and Echo chambers | by Luke O'Brien |  Medium

Echo chambers can be particularly harmful to society, and often lead to extreme views and beliefs. When people are constantly surrounded by like minded people, opinions, and views they become less willing to hear the other side to the story. It also discourages people from fostering relationships with people that are different than them, decreasing diversity within society as a whole. People who are part of echo chambers have a hard time feeling empathy for those with opposing views whether that be about religion, politics, economics, etc... It can cloud the judgement of individuals and limit their ability to be open minded and susceptible to differing opinions. 

While echo chambers are mostly viewed as negative they do have some positive effects. They can provide individuals with a sense of community and belonging. It provides a sense of comfort for those involved, being surrounded by people that are similar to you can make you feel seen and valued. They can also play a role in creating a strong identity, especially for those who are part of an underrepresented or marginalized group. This could mean those that are part of the LGBTQ community, those with a low socio-economic status, cultural and racial minorities, etc... These groups can often be silenced by those with different backgrounds and opinions. Echo chambers provide these individuals with a safe space to voice their opinions and feel supported. 

It Takes a Village: Embracing DEI as a Company Community

My generation is particularly involved with social media, it has become part of our everyday lives. Tik Tok and Instagram are particularly popular among my friends and I. We all have creators and influencers that we follow closely and enjoy their content. Two of my best friends are particularly left leaning while the rest of us are more right leaning. We don't often discuss politics but when we do it can definitely create uncomfortable situations and feelings. When we get news from social media they are often tailored to our beliefs due to the algorithm of these apps. These apps intentionally show you content that you like rather than dislike because they want you to be an avid user. This creates a disconnect between myself and my friends that have different values and beliefs than me. Personally I would say that I am able to take a step back and see situations and discussions from a different point of view. However I have observed that some of my friends are unable to or won't allow themselves to see anything from a different point of view. Echo chambers on social media definitely play a part in this. The concept of pairing has different opinions. Conflict of opinion,  divorce. points of view, points of view, different points of view,  ridiculous arguments and disagreements. flat vector illustration. 27874130  Vector Art at

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Blog Post #5

 EOTO Technology Learned: Typewriter 

The typewriter was developed in the mid 19th century however it can be traced back as far as the 16th century. Instead of handwritten print, typed print became an option. It allowed for fast and legible written work, making it easier for audiences to read. This also made reading materials more accessible to those who struggled to read written scripts. The typewriter also contributed to the mass production of newspapers, magazines, and books, as well as journals and other written materials. Communication across the world was improved with the introduction of the typewriter. The impact on culture and communication was unparalleled. Even today the typewriter is viewed as a symbol of nostalgia and creativity. New job opportunities also appeared, when businesses started looking for people to type for them. Particularly women were affected by the invention of the typewriter. They were now given the opportunity to become typists and stenographers. This affected the world socially, changing gender roles and giving women more room to expand in the workforce. 

Typewriter | Writing Technology & Impact | Britannica

Further the development of the typewriter paved the way for mechanical advancements such as the electric typewriter and ultimately laid the foundation for the digital age. When you look at the keyboard on a laptop it is an updated version of the typewriter keyboard. The computer would not look the way it does today without this invention. The typewriter also played a key word in education. Typing became a skill that was taught all around the world. 

MSI Intros Modern 15 Laptop: An Inexpensive Laptop for Content Creators

I remember in elementary and middle school we were required to complete an online typing certification. This certification determined how fast and efficient we were at typing. They would cover our hands with a cardboard box to make sure that we knew where the correct keys were without looking. 

NO-PEEK Keyboard Covers

Now that I’m in college the ability to type is essential, especially when taking notes. Being able to type fast and efficiently determines whether I have the correct notes. Having the correct notes directly translates to whether I do well on tests and quizzes. Therefore I can attest that the invention of the typewriter still impacts individuals today.

Typing fast typing GIF - Find on GIFER

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Blog Post #4

EOTO: The Telephone

The idea for the telephone came long before it was actually created. An Italian innovator, Antonio Meucci is credited with inventing the first basic telephone. He invented this phone in 1849. Following Meucci, a Frenchman, Charles Borseul created another version of the telephone in 1854. A little more than twenty years later Alexander Graham Bell received the first U.S. patent for the telephone in 1876. Graham Bell was only able to fully develop his telephone and bring it to the market, because he had financial backers that invested in him and his device. The first exchange was in operation two years later. By 1908 there were 5.8 million telephones in the system.,for%20the%20device%20in%201876.

Antonio Meucci - Wikipedia        Charles Bourseul (1829 - 1912) was a pioneer in development of the "make  and break" telephone about 20 years before Bell made a practical telephone.Alexander Graham Bell - Inventions, Telephone & Facts

Before the invention of the telephone the main form of long distance communication was through written and delivered letters. The process of sending letters back and forth was obviously much slower than using a telephone, and a lot more inconvenient. There was also a level of privacy that the telephone provided, people no longer had to put their thoughts in writing and worry about who else would see it aside from whom it was intended for. This invention connected people around the world and revolutionized the way that we communicate. Distance was no longer an issue and people could deliver urgent messages right away. This made a difference to many fields, especially that of first responders and medical personnel. People could now call the police or an ambulance, people who certainly would have died from their injuries in previous years were now given a greater chance of survival, fires could be put out faster, and criminals could be stopped before they did their worst damage. 

The invention changed our world in so many ways, some good, some bad. Socially the telephone brought people together and helped to foster a sense of community world wide. People were less lonely because they could talk to loved ones from far away, and relationships grew stronger due to the increase in contact. The business world was also revolutionized as meetings could now be conducted over the phone, and partnerships or deals could be confirmed without being in the same room, or state, or country for that matter. Along with the great impact to the business world the economy was effected just as much. Economic growth spread throughout the globe. Sales for various products could now be made over the phone. People were also spending money to keep their phone line working. The telephone also improved the access of information for government agencies as well as many other organizations. Those were some of the positive impacts that the telephone had on the world, however there are some negatives. These negatives include dependency on technology, loss of jobs, reduced travel, etc... However as a whole the world wouldn't be the way it is today without the telephone. The level of intelligence amongst individuals would be significantly lower, and communication across the world would be much more limited. 

Ring ring…the evolution of the telephone - iCS Communications

Today the telephone is completely different from what it once was. The telephone was updated to become a cellphone, now landlines are almost obsolete. People bring their cellphones with them everywhere. Texting is now a feature on phones, as well as FaceTime. Now not only can you talk to your loved ones on the phone, but you can also send them short text messages at your convenience, and talk face to face from a different geographical location. We would not have reached the technological age that we are in now without the invention of the telephone. 

I am particularly grateful for the invention of the telephone because it means that I can come to school here at High Point University, and still keep close relationships with my friends and family at home. I also would have never chosen to come to school here if I didn't have the ability to call my mom at the drop of a dime. Meaning that I wouldn't be able to experience the things that I have, or met the people here that I love. 

Blog #7

Diffusion of Innovations: Snapchat When Snapchat was first introduced the concept was unheard of. It was texting but with pictures and video...