Monday, March 25, 2024

Blog Post #3

 Out of the eight values of free expression I would say that individual self-fulfillment resonates most with me. I think that growing up I struggled a lot with who I was and I often silenced myself. As I've grown up and grown into the person that I am now I feel as though I wouldn't have been able to do so fully without the freedom to speak my mind. It is so important to me that my friends and family feel as though they are heard, and know that they can speak freely regardless of the topic. Freedom of speech has allowed myself and those around me to learn respect, and to learn to love those with different opinions than your own. For example one of my best friends has completely opposite political views from me, and we tend to challenge each other. However this is important because although our views are different we still listen to each other and hear each other the best we can. I can also appreciate that her views are a part of who she is, and I love who she is. It also makes us both think and sometimes realize that we are wrong in some situations. 

Seeing this topic through a larger looking glass I believe that society wouldn't be the same without individual self fulfillment. Without different views and different personalities the world would be a bore. A world where we all keep our thoughts and values to ourselves is not a world that I ever want to live in. The diversity that exists throughout society is what makes it function. 

Let's look at social media for example. Social media would not be as prevalent as it is without individual self fulfillment and the ability for people to share their views and values. Human connection is such an important part of cognitive development and society as a whole. Influencers and celebrities share their views and their lives on social media hoping that a certain audience will resonate with them. Certain people follow certain influencers for a reason. Even though we may not know these influencers personally, something about them draws us in and keeps us interested in the content that they share. this wouldn't be possible without individual self fulfillment. If these influencers didn't believe in what they put on the internet their followings wouldn't be as large and loyal as they are. The opinion of each individual distinguishes them from the next. The main purpose of social media is to connect people regardless of their geographic location. Connections between individuals all over the world wouldn't be possible without free speech and expression. 

Currently the government is trying to ban Tik Tok which is a very popular form of social media. Not only is it popular in the United States, but it is popular all around the world. It connects people of many cultures, ethnicities, geological locations, etc... Tik Tok is a platform where users post videos on various topics. The topics vary depending on the person that is posting the videos. Story-times are a very popular type of video that is shared on Tik Tok. I think the reason that people love these story times is because they get an insider perspective of someone else's experiences. If the government does end up passing the bill to ban Tik Tok it would impede on the individual self fulfillment of users all over the United States. Tik Tok is an outlet where people learn, share, and grow; which is why users love it so much. I personally think it would be a shame if it was taken away from us. 

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